Elbow and Wrist

Getting flashbacks of mom covering you from head to toe in bulky pads for your first skateboard? Well, these “aren’t your mom’s pads” (no offense mom’s!). No, our top-quality selection of brand name elbow and wrist guards from brands like Thor are here to show you just how comfortable, low-profile, and surprisingly not-sweltering elbow and wrist protection can actually be. That’s right, you don’t need to look and feel like a weighed-down boulder out there, thanks to the elevated material and design quality of these guards.

Speaking of, our elbow and wrist protection sets are made with extremely tough, yet lightweight protective panels, stitched-in foam sections to both enhance comfort and optimize the guard’s positioning, and more features that you won’t see with other guards. Combined, it’s these details that make our pads so much easier to ride with, and that’s why people keep coming back to them. Check out our selection today and see for yourself what a truly next-level elbow or wrist guard set can do!

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